General Information

Shares are securities that represent ownership in a company, granting the shareholder the right to participate in shareholder meetings, vote on corporate matters, receive dividends, and share in the proceeds from the liquidation of the company’s assets, among other rights established by law. On the other hand, a bond is a debt instrument issued by a corporation or government, obligating the issuer to repay the principal amount along with specified interest to the bondholder by a certain date. Bonds provide income to the holder through regular interest payments, and the repayment of the principal is guaranteed at maturity.

A dividend is a portion of the company’s profit distributed to shareholders. The decision to distribute dividends in any given year is based on the company’s financial performance for the reporting year and the projected funds needed for future activities.

An IPO, or Initial Public Offering, refers to a company’s first sale of its shares to the public through the stock exchange.

Yes, you can open a bank account for your child. The required documents include an application form for account opening, the child’s birth certificate, and the guardian’s ID card. However, if the guardian has not opened a securities account in our company, registration is not possible.

You are allowed to be registered with a maximum of 5 securities companies.

A nominal account refers to an account established at a securities brokerage for the purpose of buying and selling shares through the Mongolian Stock Exchange. The Mongolian Central Securities Depository account is used for the safekeeping of securities owned by an individual or a legal entity, and it facilitates activities related to securities, such as the distribution of dividends.

Your conditional trading order can be canceled immediately if it has not been fulfilled. However, if you place a market trade order and it is executed, you cannot cancel your conditional trade order. This is because your order has already been fulfilled and executed on the market.

To access your account, please visit Then, click on the ‘Expenditure’ option in the upper left corner, select ‘Nominal Account’ from the menu, and proceed to make your request.

Dividend payments are deposited into your Mongolian Central Securities Depositary account. To access these, log in to your account at, navigate to the ‘Expenditure’ menu in the upper left corner. When securities equalization is complete, the funds are transferred to your Nominal account. For access, log back into your account, go to the ‘Expenditure’ menu, select ‘Nominal Account,’ and proceed to make your request.

You will need to fill out a securities transfer application. We will then process the transfer by submitting the application to the central securities depository.

In the event that securities or funds are inherited through Mongolian Central Securities Depositary account, the inheritor is required to have an account with a broker-dealer company. To facilitate the transfer, the inheritor must submit the following documents: a certificate of inheritance rights, the inheritor’s identity card or equivalent identification documents, the death certificate of the deceased, and the inheritor’s application form. Transactions will be processed upon receipt of the applicable transaction fees.

When transferring securities as a gift, the process varies slightly depending on the recipient’s relationship to the donor. The required documents for the transfer include:

For close family members (spouse, biological or adopted parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, siblings, children, grandchildren, and their descendants) and for the bride and groom from outside these relationships:

  • A written gift agreement signed by both the donor and the recipient.
  • Completed request and declaration forms from both the giver and receiver, as specified in Appendix 1 of this regulation.
  • Verification from a civil registration organization of the familial relationship, or other documents proving the relationship, if applicable.

For gifts to individuals or legal entities outside of the specified family members:

  • A written gift agreement signed by both parties.
  • Request and declaration forms from the donor and the recipient, as outlined in Appendix 1 of this regulation.

All required documents should be prepared and submitted to the Mongolian Central Securities Depositary for the transfer of ownership.

Log in to, click on the ‘Forgot Password’ section in the ‘Login’ menu, and enter your email address. You can then reset your password by using the password reset code sent to your email.

One person has the right to be registered in a total of 5 securities companies.

There is a 1% commission for trading.

Participating in trading

Securities on the stock exchange are traded from Monday through Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., during which time your buy and sell orders are executed. Outside these hours, you can place orders to buy or sell shares at any time through our online trading platform.

After logging into your account at, you can participate in both primary and secondary trading. To do so, select the type of trade you wish to enter from the options in the upper left corner. Then, choose the company whose shares you want to buy or sell and place your order accordingly.

After entering the trading system and selecting the securities you wish to purchase, place your trading order by specifying the price and quantity in the lower right corner.

Commission is charged only when the order is executed, not when it is placed.

You can place an order using the e-mail address and phone number registered with us.

You can check your securities balance by logging into, navigating to the account menu on the left, and then selecting ‘History’ to view statements, securities account statements, orders, and trading information.

You can trade through our website from anywhere in the world as long as you have an internet connection.

No, it will not be credited. Please send your request to, attaching the relevant transaction document for reference.

Create account

For Physical Visits:

Please ensure you bring your identity card and a commercial bank account details. If you are a foreign visitor, a passport is also required. Children should have their birth certificate and a guardian’s ID card.

For Online Account Opening:

Visit and navigate to the “Open Account” section to register using your email address. Follow the link in the confirmation email you receive to activate your account. Carefully enter your details in Cyrillic, and attach photos of the front and back of your ID card. After completing the form correctly, a “Broker Service Agreement” will be emailed to you. Print out this document, sign it, and send a scanned copy or a clear photo taken with your mobile phone back to

Your account will be opened in 1-2 working days.

Send an email to to report the issue. Additionally, you are welcome to visit our office in person for resolution.

After logging into your account at, click on the ‘Income’ menu in the upper left corner. You will then be guided on how to top up your nominal account.

For Mongolian Citizens:

  • Account opening request form.
  • Identity card.

For Legal Entities in Mongolia:

  • Account opening request form.
  • Two notarized copies of the certificate registered in the state registry.
  • Two copies of an official letter requesting brokerage services.
  • Notarized copy (two copies) of the signature and seal of the person authorized to manage the account, along with the company guarantee.
  • ID or Passport of the person authorized to manage the account.
  • Agreement for opening an account with the National Bank of Ukraine.
  • Two notarized copies of the legal entity’s charter.

For Minors:

  • Account opening request form.
  • Birth certificate.
  • Guardian’s identity card.
  • Note: Registration is not possible if the custodian has not opened a securities account with our NCC.

For Foreign Citizens:

  • Account opening request form.
  • Two copies of the foreign passport.
  • Confirmation of having an account in any commercial bank of Mongolian or international repute.
  • Agreement for opening an account with the National Bank of Ukraine.

For Foreign Legal Entities:

  • Account opening request form.
  • Two notarized copies of documents equivalent to the company certificate, including the certificate registered in the State Register.
  • Official company decision appointing the person authorized to manage the account (two copies).
  • Notarized copy (two copies) of the signature and seal of the person authorized to manage the account, along with the company guarantee.
  • ID or Passport of the person authorized to manage the account.
  • Confirmation of having an account in any commercial bank of Mongolian or international repute.
  • Agreement for opening an account with the National Bank of Ukraine.
  • Two notarized copies of the legal entity’s charter.